
26 April 2010

8 project management steps Manager needs to follow by Jason Westland

“In every great endeavor we wish to achieve, twice as much hard work is needed for us to give”. I believe in this statement and every project manager would definitely agree. A project manager sees to it that everything goes well as planned and if problems may arise as they usually do, a resolution is immediately implemented. To be able to create a successful project, one must go through the project management steps carefully completing each and every project management phases.

Here is a guide of the project management phases:

Team Assembly

No man is on an island. Same is true in undergoing a project. It is a collaboration of different minds working together to come up with a cohesive idea and plan out the strategies needed to execute the project successfully. In creating your team make sure that you have different people from a variety of fields to have the most brilliant ideas on hand.

Project Initiation

Identification of the project definition, objectives and approach are discussed in this phase. It is important to have your goal in mind before starting to brainstorm into the scope and specifications of your project to serve as your guide throughout the duration of the project.

Project Planning

Among the project management steps, I would say this is very important since the foundation and backbone of the project will depend on the planning stage. If a complete and thorough planning is done the probability of setbacks and problems along the course of the project will be highly prevented. As a project manager you would need to use management-level planning to map out an overview of resources, acquisitions, subcontracts and costs. It is expected of you to estimate, plan and oversee all phases of the project management phase. As a project manager you need to include your team or set up a committee to execute project planning.

Project Execution

In this project management step the project manager needs to know the importance of delegation. Each task needs to be delegated to everyone to achieve efficiency in delivering results. It is also helpful since easy tracking can be done through small teams or groups working together as one to achieve a single goal identified on the Initiation phase. Use a project management software to give a constant overview of how the project is going in terms of scheduling, cost control, budget management, resource allocation, collaboration software, communication, quality management and documentation or administration systems especially in large scale projects. Then collaborate with your team to hold meetings and conferences to provide feedback solve challenges and aid in decision making. Communication is essential in making your project a success to determine degree of dependency among team members and to foster camaraderie.

Project Leadership

What sets apart a manager and a leader? Some might not even know the slightest difference. A leader leads by example by that it means he embodies in himself the values of providing quality service to others. He is passionate in helping his team members be productive and resourceful without demanding for results right away. A leader knows and understands his team members weaknesses and strengths which he works around to motivate them to do their best and work collaboratively to produce excellent results.

Project Monitoring and Controlling

In any project you need to be able to allocate your resources effectively. Project software is available to oversee your costs, resources and financial capability throughout the project. Highest quality is achieved by constant monitoring and project tracking. Standard Quality is the goal being obtained in this phase to be able to present a high quality result.

Project Presentation

This phase is close to completion of the project wherein majority of what was planned has already taken place. The client will have a preview of the project outcome before it is officially launched to be able to change, update or do some minor revisions. The project manager will have the responsibility in presenting to the clients since he is the head of the organizing team. Effective communication skills are needed to undergo this phase impressively.

Project Conclusion

At any project close there should be a complete documentation, audit and feedback. Regardless of the success of the project, proper transition of work processes and deliverables should be done. Proper documentation of processes should have been established with sufficient data for the operation of the system and to also provide basis for future projects and maintenance.

Being a project manager has a lot of work. You have to be passionate in helping your team to able to yield good results. It is not all theories and principles. Though there are a lot of resources on how to use project management steps wisely and effectively to help you along the way.

Jason Westland has been in the project management industry for the past 16 years. Click here to find out more about his new project management software.

10 April 2010

My Portfolio: Liste de clients / Client List

J'ai voulu afficher ici la liste de mes clients en affichant leurs logo afin de permettre aux visiteurs de mon blog, clients et employeurs potentiels, de voir en un instant la diversité et l'étendue des clients avec qui j'ai fait affaire à ce jour. J'ai également lié ces logos aux sites web de ces compagnies pour l'instant puisque je suis en train de concevoir mon propre portfolio sur le web...Abonnez-vous aux mises-à-jour de mon blog afin d'être avisé lorsque j'aurai publié ce portfolio.

J'en suis particulièrement fière et j'espère avoir publié le tout d'ici trois semaines. Si vous désirez en savoir plus, n'hésitez pas à me contacter à eveillet [at]

I wanted to post here a list of my clients by displaying their logo to allow visitors of my blog, clients and potential employers to see at a glance the diversity and range of clients with whom I have dealt with so far. I have also linked these logos to web sites of these companies for the moment since I'm designing my own portfolio on the web ... Subscribe to my blog updates to be notified when I publish this portfolio.

If you require more information, please contact me at eveillet [at] .

5 April 2010

My Portfolio: User Interface Translation & French CSR Simulation

Building Engines
Here's the summary of a project completed in Q4 of 2009 for Building Engines Inc., a company doing business in California, to develop and implement Property Management Software Systems for clients located in the US mainly but also in Canada recently.

Project Description:

I was engaged by the client to prepare and participate to a presentation in early September, part of which will demonstrate the Company’s ability to provide French language support for Canadian users. The work was divided into two categories of skills and work to deliver:

  1. French Customer Service Script writing for a presentation scheduled in the fall to a client by the client, and participate to this presentation remotely acting as a French Customer Service Support representative answering a fake support call from a client of Building Engines.
  2. Translate and/or verify accuracy & consistency of software's web user interface translated into French by the Company.

Project Duration & Budget:

Project started in August 2010 and ended in October 2010, for a budget of less than 1,000$, and met client's expectations who was pleased with the services I delivered.

Client Testimonial:

If you would like to get more information about this project, feel free to contact me by email at eveillet [at]