Looking for input about web design in general, what's appealling to them, what is their personal preference...
I'm helping a friend who needs to collect information from as many people she can get input from. I'm hoping using this LinkedIn Question tool will help. Here's her question:
" I am taking a couple of courses in web design and am interested in seeing what appeals to the general public's eye. I am looking for websites in all areas for example: gaming, informational, commerce, etc. I would need your help...
Can you please send me links to sites that you like (find appealing). I will gather the information over the next week or so (so by the 26th of September). Once my website is up and running, I will post the links to some of the sites on my page (I will provide the link when it is ready). Any and all help is appreciated! "
Email: daniellej@sympatico.ca
LinkedIN profile: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/danielle-joffe/10/870/771

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